Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What Is Hell?

I was reading some posts on a forum when I came across a question.  The person asked,"Isn't an eternity in hell a disproportionate punishment?" Click here for the thread.

As I read further (and also in other pages), I realised to my horror that many people had skewed versions of hell.

Some thought it would be pretty nice to go to hell because won't all the drinkers and floozies be there?  One eternal party.
Others thought that God is all-merciful and therefore this meant He should forgive all sin.  If He forgave all sin, then there wouldn't be hell.
Still others felt that hell was a Catholic invention to scare its devotees into following the rules.  But what are the rules if not to pray (for spiritual strength), to love (and not to harm our neighbour) and to share your goods with those in need (charity~!).  What would happen if everyone start doing the opposite?  Stop praying, stop caring and start grabbing.  Sounds like anarchy to me.

The person who posted that question felt that breaking God's law in 'small things' such as not going to one Mass  shouldn't bring down upon one's head an eternal punishment.  But what I see so clearly is that when you break a law, you have committed a sin.  The issue is NOT missing the Mass.  The issue is breaking the law.  If you did it knowingly and if you do not feel sorry and you repeat it over and over again, what does that say about how you feel about God?  You know doing this would hurt God but you do it anyway.  It is clear in the Bible teachings that when one repents, one goes to confession and plead for forgiveness.  If one is truly sincere, one wouldn't repeat the sin again.  So what does repeating the sin signify?  It shows you don't really care about God, doesn't it?

The unrepentant go to Hell.  It is that simple.  You don't go to Hell because you missed one Mass.  You go to Hell because you are unrepentant.  You only feel sorry when you are on the precipice of punishment and you are about to walk into a very uncomfortable environment.  You aren't sorry about the sin, in that case.

It's like the criminal who only feels sorry when he gets caught.  But as long as he is free to do what he likes, he will keep on robbing and killing.

Not many people have been to Hell and made it back to tell us what it is.  And it's not easy to believe someone who claims to have done that.  But what most Catholics would agree on is that nobody wants to go to Hell.

Descriptions of hell would bring up phrases such as :
eternal fire
stench of brimstone
demonic torturers
eternal suffering
everlasting agony

Bible quotations on hell
Luke 16:19-31
tells us about Lazarus and the rich man.

Revelations 14:11
11And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

Revelations 20:10
10And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

As to that person who asked if it was fair to suffer eternal punishment for a sin... I would like to ask if it's FAIR to enjoy eternal paradise for just following God's law.

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Two Hearts Of Jesus and Mary

In my quest to be closer to God, I have come to realise something.  I need to read, see, speak and hear His Word every day... otherwise the heart grows forgetful and cold.  But when I pray, when I read the Word of God, when I hear the Word of God, the small fire within burns a little bit brighter.  And the amazing thing is I wil 'hear' and 'see' more of Him in everything.

I use the word 'amazing' because sometimes some things happen and it's too much of a coincidence to be ignored.

In the last three weeks, the avalanche of work (which includes work at the office and also work in charity) kept me so busy that I neglected my prayers and my readings.  Sometimes I think it is true that too much of labouring overmuch like Martha makes us neglectful of God (see Luke 10:38-42).

When I realised that, I quickly cut back on the work and did more praying.  The very same day, I was online and came across a reference to a saint (St Catherine of Laboure), which brought me to a book review about a book written by Dr Kelly Bowring.  My heart jumped when I read the review and I knew I had to read this book.

It was also the novena I began last month.  But unbelievably, both Amazon dan Barnes & Noble 'do not sell the book to those in my location.'  I tried to get a friend in Australia to buy it but they didn't sell the book to people in her location either.  It turned out that the publisher of the book didn't have the rights and blah blah blah to sell the book outside of the US.

I stopped trying... wondering how else I was to get it.

Then the very next day, an old friend suddenly smsed me, asking me what I wanted for my birthday.  She'd never done such a thing before.  THEN I remembered she had a sister who lived in Texas.  Was this how I was to get this book???  So I asked her to get the book for me.. only about USD10 in ebook form.  So far, there is no response yet from her sister as she wanted to figure out if the book would be coded to her credit card or to her computer.

But last night, I thought of a local online book reseller Acmamall.  And I wondered if perhaps they had the book.  Unbelievably, they did. Hmm, does that mean they have the rights to sell the book outside of the US??? Peculiar thing.  Well, I just bought the book.  Hopefully I get it by next week.  If I get the ebook, that would be another plus... mobile books don't tear, wear down or weigh down the purse :)

I just know I must read this book.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Revelations Revelations Revelations

Just an hour into surfing the net, I found myself with almost twenty opened tabs of different revelations.  This also included their supporters and detractors.  I even found a list of 'true' and 'false' private revelations compiled by Ron Conte, the administrator of the Catholic Planet forum. Ron Conte lists Stanley Villavicencio (who I have blogged about) as false.

Most confusing.  And frustrating.

But why am I so surprised? 

Matthew 7:15 (King James Version)15Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Matthew 24:11 (KJV)
11And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

1 Timothy 4 (KJV)
1Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

So now what am I to do?  What am I to believe in?  WHO am I to believe in?

The answer is very simple.  Ask a question and answer it..LOL.I will believe in God.

He speaks to us all and has been speaking to us all via his prophets... His words are all in the Bible. Not that I will confine myself purely to the Bible.

Difficult to verbalise... but most reasonable people will know what to do.  If I come across any claims of private revelation, I will consider what is said very carefully.  And I will also consider its effect on me.

Back to Stanley Villavicencio.  He was asked how to tell a false prophet from a true one.  He replied,"By the fruits."  I like that answer very much.  If the effect of a revelation on me is of fervent piety and more attention to my spiritual life, then I will focus on the effect.  People can say whatever they want...what matters is our reaction to it.

Sometimes we need to make our own decisions.  After all, jewels come from the darkest of places.  Didn't 'Amazing Grace' come from a convict?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

An Invitation To Fulfil Jesus' Request : The Double Great Novena

The past few days, thoughts of fulfilling one of Jesus' requests have been constantly on and in my mind.  The particular request I am talking about is the Double Great Novena (nine First Fridays and nine First Saturdays).

Whenever I opened the brown Pieta book, I keep finding myself on the pages referring to the Double Great Novena.  I knew then that it was something I had to do.  But I thought I'd think about starting it first, before I actually did it.  

Then today, I was keying in important feast days and Catholic dates in my PDA, when I came to entering the dates of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (July 1) and the Immaculate Heart of Mary (July 2).  At that moment, I KNEW that if I counted the months, there would be exactly nine First Fridays and First Saturdays between this week and the first week of July.  

The Background of the Double Great Novena (page 127 of the brown Pieta book)
In a message of Jesus Christ to Sister Natalia in Hungary, He requests all to pray the Double Great Novena to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary for nine consecutive First Fridays and First Saturdays.

All know about the devotion of the nine consecutive First Fridays.  Few know about the Five Consecutive First Saturdays.  And very few now know about the Nine Consecutive First Fridays and the Nine Consecutive First Saturdays.

As in Paray-le-Monial, France and Fatima, a private revelation to Sister Natalia received the Imprimatur from the local bishiop in Hungary.

Jesus : "As the Father entrusted all things to Me, so I give My victorious power over the world and sin to the Immaculate Heart to My Mother."

"Through my daughter (Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, I gave the world great promises, but because of My infinite Goodness, now, I give much more.  If people wish to gain the benefits of My promises, they must love and venerate the Immaculate Heart of My Mother.  The greatest sign of this veneration will be to receive Holy Communion on Nine Consecutive First Saturdays, and int eh same way, on Nine Consecutive First Fridays, after a preparation and true repentance.  Their intentions must be to console My Heart and, at the same time, the Immaculate Heart of My Mother."

Sister Natalia :"When Our Lord told me the first time about these First Saturdays, I did not realise that the Blessed Virgin at Fatima asked for only Five First Saturdays, in comparison with the Nine First Saturdays mentioned in the Messages I received.  Consequently, the authorities of the Church wanted me to ask the Saviour why He asked for nine, while Mary asked for only five.  

The Divine Saviour replied:"The request of My Mother for Five Saturdays is a sign of Her humility and consequently, She did not consider Herself worthy of receiving a devotion that is equal to Mine.  My request is a sign of My love.  I cannot bear the idea of demanding more for Me than for My Mother who is united with Me in love."

"Hence, I understood that Jesus would have us make reparation for Nine Saturdays because He had demanded for Himself, to Saint Margaret Mary, Nine First Fridays."

So, come... join me in fulfilling Jesus' request for the Double Great Novena, which is to receive Holy Communion on nine consecutive First Fridays and First Saturdays from the first week of November 2010 to the first week of July 2011.  We would be ending on the feast days of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  

To make a good Novena, it is recommended to :
a) Prepare yourself with true repentance, if possible, go to Confession.
b) Receive Holy Communion on both days (Saturday Sunset Mass is not part of the Novena)
c) The intentions of the Novena must be to console both Hearts.

Swiss Army Knife of The Spirit

Scott P. Richert lists prayer, fasting and almsgiving as the 'Swiss Army Knife' of the spirit. (article can be found here)

What a visual that is... we always think of the swiss army knife as a tool we can depend on, especially in times of dire need.  Or even life and death. 

I know prayer is a powerful is charity.  However, I haven't thought or dwelt much on fasting.  Maybe because it is such a 'troublesome' thing to do.  

St Peter Chrysologus said, "There are three things, my brethren, by which faith stands firm, devotion remains constant, and virtue endures. They are prayer, fasting and mercy. Prayer knocks at the door, fasting obtains, mercy receives. Prayer, mercy and fasting: these three are one, and they give life to each other." (source)

Confession : Stronger Than Exorcism

Recently I received an email which mentioned the importance of confession.  I'd been wondering why the saints went to confession so frequently...some went DAILY!  The email seemed to answer that question.  

At the same time, I'd wanted to do something special for the month of October.  And as usual, my thoughts were focused on the holy souls in purgatory.  I wanted to offer all the indulgences that I could get in October for them.  However, one of the prerequisites was weekly confession.  

I didn't think the email about confession was a coincidence, so now I'm posting what the email said.  The article can be read here as well.  


We must insist on the need for frequent confession - in spite of all the difficulties existing today to the frequent reception of this sacrament - since both theologians and exorcists reaffirm its great efficacy.

The exorcist of the Archdiocese of Venice, Fr. Pellegrino Ernetti, of the Order of Saint Benedict, said: "The sacrament of the Confession, we know, is the second best 'safety belt', right after Baptism… Experience teaches us that it is most difficult for Satan to penetrate a soul that washes itself frequently with the Most Precious Blood of Jesus. This Blood becomes a veritable armor against which Satan may force, but never succeeds in opening, not even the smallest breach. The assiduous and constant frequency to this sacrament is a necessity, for both those who perform the exorcism and those who need the exorcism. I am convinced, after my long experience that the priest ought to wash his soul in the Blood of Jesus daily, if he wants to fight against the demon, side by side with Jesus, and be victorious. It is this, truly, the sacrament that Satan fears… Christ defeated Satan with His Own Blood. And the Apocalypse tells us explicitly: 'These are the ones that have conquered Satan by the Blood of the Lamb'."

Fr. Gabriele Amorth, exorcist of the Diocese of Rome, is equally forceful: "I have written many times that one causes much more furor to the demon with Confession - that is expelling the demon from the soul - than with exorcism, that expels him from the body… Confession is much stronger than exorcism."

A sovereign contempt for the demon

The Saints and spiritual authors also encourage a sovereign contempt for the demon.

Let us hear to what Saint Therese says:

"It is very often that these damned spirits come to torment me; but they inspire very little fear in me, because I know them well and they cannot even stir without God's permission… This should be well known by all: every time we show our contempt for the demons, they lose their strength and the soul acquires more predominance upon them… To see themselves despised by weaker beings is, in fact, a severe humiliation for these arrogant beings. Well, as we said before, humbly supported by God, we have the right and the obligation of showing our contempt: if God is with us, who will be against us? They can bark, but they cannot bite, unless in the cases that - by imprudence, or pride - we place ourselves in their power".

Evidently, we must not confuse this contempt for the demon with the vain pretension that we, by ourselves, have any power over the fallen Angels.

By our nature, we have no power whatsoever over them; on the contrary, by their superior nature, they are far more powerful than us. Therefore, the foundation of this healthy contempt for the infernal enemies must not be based on a rash disregard of danger. Rather, it must be supported by the most perfect humility and true confidence in the Creator and in the Most Holy Virgin. If these cares are taken, it is befitting to do what the great Saint Therese indicates with such propriety.

Above all, we should make every effort to live a life of serious and sincere piety, without superstition or sentimentality. This will certainly maintain the demon at a distance, as much as that is possible.

(By Luis Solimeo, from his book Angels and Demons)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ways Of Shortening Our Time In Purgatory

If you could shorten your time in purgatory, wouldn't you want to do that?  Here's some information about plenary and partial indulgences.  

1. What is an indulgence?

"An indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven, which the faithful Christian who is duly disposed gains under certain prescribed conditions through the action of the Church, which, as the minister of redemption, dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of the satisfaction of Christ and the saints."

2. What is a plenary indulgence?

An indulgence is plenary if it removes all the temporal punishment due to sin.

3. What is a partial indulgence?

An indulgence is partial if it removes part of the temporal punishment due to sin.

4. To whom may an indulgence be applied?

It may be applied by the faithful for themselves or for the dead.

5. What is the basis of indulgence?

Sin has a double consequence – eternal punishment (due to grave sin) and temporal punishment.  The forgiveness of sin and restoration of communion with God entail the remission of eternal punishment, but temporal punishment remains.  Indulgence removes all (plenary) or part of (partial) temporal punishment.


6.1. During the Eucharistic Year (October 2004 – October 2005), indulgences may be obtained "each time the faithful participate attentively and piously in a sacred function or a devotional exercise undertaken in honor of the Blessed Sacrament, solemnly exposed or conserved in the tabernacle."

6.2. Remaining in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at least half an hour.

6.3. Participation in the Adoration of the Cross on Good Friday.

6.4. Spiritual exercises of at least three (3) days.

6.5. Making first Communion or assisting at another’s first Communion.

6.6. Praying at least five decades of the rosary in a church or chapel, or with family, religious community or a pious association.  The conditions are:  the five decades must be prayed without interruption; meditation on the mysteries must be added to the vocal recitation, in public recitation, the mysteries must be announced according to approved local customs.

6.7. Celebrating or assisting at a priest’s first solemn Mass, or at his 25th, 50th, or 60th 
anniversary Mass.  The priest should also renew before God his proposal to faithfully fulfill the obligations of his vocation.

6.8. Visiting a church or altar on the day of its dedication, and praying an Our Father and a Creed.

6.9. Renewing one’s baptismal promises during the Easter Vigil or on the anniversary of one’s baptism.

6.10. Reading Sacred Scripture as spiritual reading with the devotion due to God’s Word for at least a half-hour.

6.11. Making the pious exercise of the Way of the Cross.  This must be done at legitimately erected stations, which require fourteen (14) crosses to which other images or statues may be added.
The Way of the Cross usually consists of 14 sacred readings, to which some vocal prayers may be added.

However, to fulfill the pious exercise, it is enough to meditate on the Lord’s passion and death, with no need to make a particular consideration regarding each individual station.  Thus, one may also meditate on episodes of the Passion that differ from the traditional 14 stations

It is also necessary to move from one station to the next, although, if during a public celebration the whole group cannot easily move, it is sufficient that the person who guides the stations move from one station to the next.
If someone is legitimately impeded from doing those stations, he or she may obtain the same indulgence through pious reading and meditation on the Lord’s passion and death for about 15 minutes or so.

6.12. Devoutly receiving a papal blessing, including those imparted "Urbe et Orbi" (To the City of Rome and the World), such as is customary at Easter and Christmas, and received through live transmission by radio, television or internet.

The local bishop may also impart the apostolic blessing three times a year on dates of their choosing, at the end of a specially solemn Mass.

6.13. Each Friday of Lent, a plenary indulgence is granted to those who piously recite the prayer "Look down upon Me, Good and Gentle Jesus" after Communion, before an image of Christ crucified.  This prayer is among those offered in the missal for thanksgiving after Communion.

6.14. To the faithful in danger of death, who cannot be assisted by a priest to bring them the sacraments and impart the Apostolic Blessing with its plenary indulgence, Holy Mother Church, nevertheless, grants a plenary indulgence to be acquired at the point of death, provided they are properly disposed and have been in the habit of reciting some prayers during their lifetime.  The use of a crucifix or a cross to gain this indulgence is praiseworthy.

6.15. Apart from the plenary indulgences, Catholics do well to be aware that most of their habitual prayers, sacrifices, and habitual service to others, from the sign of the cross to the Hail Mary, are endowed with partial indulgences which increase their weight before God and give them an opportunity to exercise selfless charity in offering their prayers in benefit of the souls in purgatory.


7.1. Sacramental confession, usually within a week before or after obtaining the Indulgence.  One sacramental confession is sufficient for several indulgences.
7.2. Eucharistic Communion.  Unlike confession, only one indulgence may be obtained for each Communion.  Although this Communion may be fulfilled several days before or after obtaining the indulgence, it is preferable that this condition be fulfilled the same day.  Thus, those who practice regular confession and daily Mass may obtain a plenary indulgence practically every day.
7.3. Prayer in keeping with the intention of the Supreme Pontiff. Like Communion. Prayer for the Pope’s intentions must be recited for the gaining of each plenary indulgence.  Although there are not prescribed prayers, the condition is satisfied by reciting one Our Father and one Hail Mary.

7.4. Having the soul completely removed from attachment to any form of sin.  This is the most difficult condition as even attachment to venial sin precludes the possibility of obtaining the indulgence.  However, note that the condition is not freedom from all venial sin, but from attachment to sin, that is, that there is no sin which the soul is unwilling to renounce.


When one earns plenary indulgences, one may have the intention to apply it to a dear departed or to any soul who needs it most. This is like practicing the "heroic act", wherein the person who has earned the plenary indulgence has opted to give the merits earned to a soul in purgatory. This indeed is a great act of love.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Our Lady of Sorrows Has Spoken...Why Don't Men Listen?

I was going through Scribd and found documents with messages from Our Lady.  Our Lady of Anguera, Our Lady of Knock, Our Lady of Akita, Our Lady of Fatima.... so many messages.  I started thinking, wasn't she tired of giving us messages?  She comes, talks, sees a sea of curious people.. religious people... some who disbelieve, some who mock her.. but many will convert after realizing that she truly is Our Mother of Perpetual Succour.

Then I noticed... there is a central theme to the messages she gives.

Our Lady of Fatima (message in July 1919), as she spoke to the three children :

"You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go.  To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war is going to end: But if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will break out during the pontificate of Pope Pius XI. When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that He is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions of the Church and of the Holy Father. 

To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and the communion of reparation on the first Saturdays. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church.  The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated. In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she shall be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world. In Portugal the dogma of the faith will always be preserved."

But have her requests been heeded?

Our Lady of Akita

The third message on October 13, 1973, the actual anniversary of the final visions and miracle of Fatima is as follows:

"As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead.

The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by my Son. Each day, recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and the priests. The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, and bishops against other bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their Confreres. The Church and altars will be vandalized. The Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.  

The demon will rage especially against souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will no longer be pardon for them." 

Our Lady of Anguera

Message 3259 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, BahiaBrazil29/12/2009Source [3A]

Dear Sons and Daughters, I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of your suffering. Bend your knees in prayer beseeching the mercy of The Lord for humanity. My poor children will carry a heavy cross. The crust of the earth will split in many regions of the earth. Energy coming from the interior of the earth will bring suffering to many of My poor children. Listen to what I am saying. Humanity is on the eve of the most terrible suffering and punishment. What I have already announced is going to happen. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

That's Message Number Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Nine.

And Blessed Virgin Mary appeared at so many other places...

She must be getting quite tired of meeting people and giving her warnings by now.  Warnings so many people don't heed.

Monday, September 20, 2010

What Does It Take To Unstop Deaf Ears and Open Blind Eyes?

Yesterday I went for a Divine Mercy mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral.  I brought people with me who were hoping for a miracle, for among the attendees was Stanley Villavicencio. Read about his story here and here and here.  During his talks, many miracles of spiritual and physical healing have been reported.

In the few days before the Mass, I asked a few friends to come.  Most were interested but some had that blank look on their faces that told me that they were working hard to keep their thoughts and feelings hidden.  I knew they thought I was being gullible.

Why is there so much disbelief in our world?  So much cynicism, so much doubt, so much skepticism... what has happened to faith, trust, confidence?

Does it really matter if Stanley Villavicencio is a fake or a con?  It is clear in the Bible that "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matthew 18:20. What miracles may be possible when God is present in our midst? Besides, if Stanley V is a conman, he isn't a very good one.  He doesn't ask for money, he doesn't ask for people to worship him.  All he wants is for people to pray the Divine Mercy chaplet.  He doesn't even get royalties out of that.  Well, I'll be attending his talk on Tuesday night so I'll be able to share more on what happened later.

I think that if there were more love and trust in our world, more reaching out than waiting for others to make the first move, surely there would be more happiness.  If we reached out, and the other rebuffed our gesture, at least we tried.  At least the other person knows we care about him, whether or not his heart is ready to accept the caring.  But what if we reached out and the other person grabbed our hand and realized that someone in this world cared about him, someone in this world noticed his existence?

One of the warning signs of suicide is depression and feeling hopeless.  Perhaps if we opened our hearts to more people, there'd be less hopelessness in our world.  Why guard our hearts so rigidly... we can only be hurt if we allow others to hurt us, anyway.

People like Stanley Villavicencio bring hope and encourage devotion to our Lord Jesus.  We should draw near to such people.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Catholic Tithing and Giving

The word 'tithe' originally meant 'ten per cent', which was the biblical norm for giving (in the Old Testament).  I never really thought about tithing... it was never really taught to me, although generosity, almsgiving and volunteerism was nothing strange in my home and to my family.

However, in the past year, thoughts of tithing kept coming to my mind.  And opportunities to give kept coming.  I remember sitting in church during one Mass with my normal offering in hand.  Suddenly it came to me that my monthly total wasn't even 5% of my monthly income.  Surely that was not right.  I just knew that it wasn't enough.  So I began giving more.

Then a young girl who needed help crossed my path.  I helped her find a place to stay, to study... and unbelievably, without meaning to, I found her sponsors.  I was just sitting in my room, chatting with a friend.  Then I mentioned her case.  The next thing I knew, he dialed a number and passed me his phone to talk to a total stranger.  These Christians (non-Catholics) were practising tithing.  But they didn't give to a particular church.  They just helped those who needed monetary help.  Needless to say, that young lady is now able to concentrate on her studies and no longer needs to look for part-time jobs.  She was suspicious of the help at first but I explained that these men NEEDED to give money back for they had been so blessed by God.

Knowing about these two men's practice made me read up on tithing.

The clincher came last month.  I had an orphanage page on my Facebook but I hadn't been paying them much attention.  Suddenly I just kept coming across references to the orphanage.  At night, I kept thinking of them.  And believe it or not, the sentence 'Give them money.' kept resounding in my brain.  It was an order.  GIVE THEM MONEY.  I lasted about three days and nights.  On the third night, I sat at my computer and thought, OK I give up.  So let's give them money.  I tried to do an online transfer of RM200.  Unsuccessful.  I tried again.  Still unsuccessful.  That was Friday night.

On Saturday morning, I went to a friend's house.  Sat down and unloaded everything to her.  She smiled and then shared HER own stories about tithing.  She too went through almost the same process of getting the idea and then experiencing impulses to give.  The amazing bit of her story came when she felt the urge to give RM500 to a stranger.  But then she only had RM200 left of her ten percent tithe.  However the urge was so strong that she just gave him the RM500.  The very next day, a friend came to her house and handed her an envelope, saying,"X, I don't know why but God wants me to give you this."  Guess how much money was in the envelope?  RM300.

The more she shared with me, the stronger the urge to give that money to the orphanage became.  This time it was 'GIVE THEM RMX00!'.  More than the original RM200!  But by that time, I was just too frazzled to care.  She laughed as I jumped up and ran to my car.  I drove to KK to find an Alliance Bank branch.  The closest was in front of the Filipino market.  At 11am on a Saturday morning, that place is usually FULL of people.  So I began thinking of where I could park my car.  And I also began thinking of what my options were if I couldn't find parking.  Would you believe that there was an empty parking spot just three shops away from the bank?  Right in between two vans.  When I saw that empty spot,  I became all the more anxious to dump that money in the cash deposit ATM.  I didn't want any more unsettled nights or nagging feelings.  Never have I ever been so relieved to see money disappear from my wallet.

But why RMX00?  I puzzled over that for a while. Then I realised... OF COURSE.  RMX00 was my tithe for the month.

Some people may probably think I'm crazy.  That's okay, I wonder about it sometimes too.

St Joseph Spouse of Mary

Thinking of the people who were important to the Child Jesus, I wondered of His foster father, Joseph.  I was sure that Jesus loved Joseph very much, as any babe would feel about the father who cared for his welfare.  As I read about St Joseph, I marveled at what I found out.  Well, I DID mention the poor state of my knowledge.

St Teresa of Avila said this of St Joseph in her autobiography (chapter 6) :
I do not remember even now that I have ever asked anything of him which he has failed to grant.  I am astonished at the great favors which God has bestowed on me through this blessed saint, and at the perils from which He has freed me, both in body and in soul.  To other saints the Lord seems to have given grace to succor us in some of our necessities but of this glorious saint my experience is that he succors us in them all...
I also downloaded a talk about St Joseph (Saint-Joseph-the-Man-Chosen-by-God) where the speaker mentioned a few things :

--- St Joseph was confirmed in grace

--- St Joseph from the tribe of Judah was chosen by the high priests in an interesting way : all the single men in the tribe were given a wooden branch to keep overnight.  The branches were collected the next day and St Joseph's branch had blossomed and was covered in leaves.

--- When St Joseph died on March 19 (also his Feast Day), he was in Jerusalem for the Feast of Unleavened Bread and buried nearby.  St Jerome noted that his burial place was within the Garden of Gethsemane.  Perhaps Jesus chose to pray there before his capture, in order to encourage us to seek St Joseph out in our last hours.

--- the early fathers of the church also pointed out that St Joseph's tomb (visible in those days) was empty.  So if his tomb is empty, where haven they taken St Joseph?  Doctor of the Church St Francis De Sales answers the question.  "St Joseph is in heaven, body and soul, of that there is no doubt."

Imagine if we were to ask for St Joseph's intercession for spiritual strength...

An Ancient Prayer to Saint Joseph
O St Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in thee all my interests and desires.  O St Joseph, assist me by thy powerful intercession and obtain for me all spiritual blessings through thy foster Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord, so that, having engaged here below thy heavenly power, I may offer thee thy thanksgiving and homage.
O St Joseph, I never weary contemplating thee and Jesus asleep in thine arms.  I dare not approach while He reposes near thy heart.  Press Him in my name and kiss His fine head for me, and ask Him return the kiss when I draw my dying breath.
St. Joseph, patron of departing souls, pray for me. 

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The 'Amazingness' of Prayers

It's been a year plus since my 'adventures' began.  What a weak word that is ...adventure... How much I've learned since then.

The most amazing thing (time for a duh! moment!) is what I am discovering about prayers.

I used to think that prayers were just things of duty.  People said they were important.  I supposed it was to save my soul... to make me a better person... to help me use up my time in a more fruitful way.  I heard but I never really listened.  Or understood.  Well, some people take longer to learn.

I read the Bible and learned about people who prayed.  And had their prayers answered.  I supposed I half-believed that prayers were answered.  But deep inside me, a little kernel said,"Naaaah, who'd answer YOUR prayers?"  Because in the Bible, prayers were answered in amazingmiraculousextraordinaryastounding ways.  My life was too ordinary for such things.

Plus, I was surrounded by information and exhortations to believe in facts, which usually meant stuff that can be seen, recorded, measured and verified by a few million people.  So if I prayed to pass an exam and I passed, it would be due to hard work at memorising.  If I prayed for my parents to let me attend a party, and they let me go, it would be because THEY wanted to let me go and not because of any sort of divine intervention.  Since I'd never prayed for angels to visit me or for some sort of supernatural event, I've never been able to say for sure that such prayers would be answered.


This is what I've discovered in the past one year.

God wants us to say prayers.
God will only take action when we ask Him to do so via our prayers.
Prayers have power.
Prayers have energy.  Directed at something other than God, these prayers may attract dark forces eager for the energy.
The prayers being said now is not enough.  Not enough for what, I have no idea.  But I suppose the obvious answer would be 'not enough to avert the end.'  Hmm.

Here are a few quotes:
The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth
                                                        Psalm 145:18
Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
                                                        Matthew 7:7-8
Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.  Again I say to you, if two of you shall agree on earth about anything they ask, it shall be done for them by my Father in heaven.  For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
                                                       Matthew 18 : 18-20
God cannot execute His strategies to loose angels to work with us and for us, if we, God's chief executives on earth, will not pray.  Through our prayers we marshal these angelic beings and release them to work either in our own nation or the nations of the earth.  Evil will be so rife in the end times that a coordinated effort between redeemed men and angelic beings is essential.  Angelic participation  is indispensable and the church must learn to activate and accelerate angelic activities on earth through serious praying.  The church in every nation must know that she has the authority to marshal angels and thrust them out to police the spirit realm of their nation so that no demonic activities can assault that land.  The true governors of a nation are not the politicians, they are those who pray.
                            by Susan Tang "God's Strategies for the End Times Book Five"

God's Word is an amazing testament of His desire for fellowship with those who believe in Him and seek a love relationship with Him.  Among the many topics the Bible covers, prayer is one of the most important, for speaking to God and hearing from Him has the power to change your life.
                             by Stormie Omartian "The Power of Praying Through The Bible"

So many people do not pray and they may be lost.  When we pray, we can 'cover' them.  In Deuteronomy 32:30, God's blessings on the troops of Israel states that one can chase a thousand and two can put ten thousand to flight.  An exponential increase.  Many prayer ministries see this applicable in spiritual warfare, as well.   Imagine how many a praying person can save... 

Knowing all this, can you not pray?  Will you not pray?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Walking The Christian Road Is Not Easy

As I travel further down the road of discovery, I find myself facing more and more challenges.

One of the most difficult is when I see or hear of a dear friend doing wrong.  Especially when it is wrong in the eyes of our Lord Jesus but right in the eyes of this world.  One example is the listening to music with profane lyrics or carnal word images.  Just pick out any of the songs on the Top 10 charts ... the chances are high that there will be lyrics that paint salacious pictures or proclaim four-letter words to catchy rhythms.

Most of my life, I have taken the safe option and walked the middle road.  I have kept silent because I have not wanted to offend people or be seen as 'narrow-minded'.  But the more I read, the more I realise that this is not an issue of being 'narrow-minded'.  Some may even use words like 'stuffy', 'straight-laced', 'square' and 'prejudiced'.  However, the issue is one of being in line with what our Lord has wanted us to do all along.  Well, whoever said being Christian will win us popularity contests?

Now I find it increasingly difficult to hold my tongue.  How can I keep quiet when I know the price my friends will pay in the end?  And I will pay a higher price for keeping quiet.  I can share with them about this and if they do not listen, that is up to them.  I've done my part.  Yes, I will risk being laughed at, either openly or behind my back.  BUT HOW CAN I KEEP SILENT?

Would you keep silent if you see a cobra in a room and you know your friend is about to walk into that room??

I know what has happened to us.  Poor pitiful us.  Our world and its environment has blinded, deafened and desensitized us to terrible things such as profanity, naked images, lewd gestures.  We have reached a point where such things merely elicit a raised eyebrow or just apathetic comments.  Some may think to display acceptance of such things is cool and gain admiration from friends. Even worse, a few even feel it marvelous to spew four-letter words or have pornography collections.

If I were the devil, I would congratulate myself on a job well done.  It may have taken a few centuries but I have managed to change society from a God-fearing one to a demon-loving one.  This current generation is simply perfect in their lasciviousness, their love of sensuality and their encouragement to each other in their drinking (let's see who can drink the most and still drive home!)  their sensuality (let's see who can dress the most outrageous and affect the most men!) and their lusts (let's see who can sleep with the most men or women!).  Some even find it 'normal' to have sex in public places such as nightclubs or during parties in houses.


In the beginning, I scolded myself for being so 'puritanical'.  Then I realised that I had fallen into the clever trap of the devil's deceivers.  Aren't they the best at verbal sleights-of-hand?  Aren't they the best at gentle and subtle manipulation?  Haven't they come up with words like 'ethnic cleansing' for genocide and 'crimes of passion' for murder?  As if the words excuse the deed.

No wonder that it has been said that there is a spiritual slaughter going on right now.  Millions of souls being 'killed' because of what they see, hear, think, say and do.

How can I keep silent??

Friday, August 6, 2010

To Know God Is To Love Him More

From previous posts about my journey, I have mentioned that my 'armour' has a big hole in it.  So I have been trying to patch it up by reading more about God, His Word, His messages, His people.....

So far, this is what I have learned.

One, from my own experience as well as others' testimonies, the Word of God (the text in the Bible) carries unbelievable power.  Knowledge of scripture helps to reveal lies and tricks. In the beginning, I thought it would be 'faster' to read other learned people's analysis or interpretation of scripture.  But then I quickly discovered that I had to also read the scripture myself so I could think about the other person's interpretation and decide for myself (with the aid of prayer) whether or not to believe.  An obvious example is the many interpretations of what the book of Revelation says.  It is mind-blowing to find how way out some interpretations are.  Those who do not do due diligence will definitely be misled.

Two, prayer is very very very important.  Years ago, I used to pray and feel nothing.  I'd been praying on automatic for so long that it had become something I did out of duty.  But I knew it wasn't something good.  I wanted to feel a strong passion for God.  It was so frustrating not to. So  I did all sorts of things to get that elusive feeling.  Out of despair one day, I prayed to God to GIVE me the passion.  And unbelievably, it happened.  I didn't attend a special seminar.  No one charismatic and powerful spoke to me.  The passion just came.

Three, I found that I didn't really have to do anything.  God just moved people to cross my path (when I needed them) and arranged books on bookshelves (when I visited bookshops) and even harassed me with incessant feelings (whether it was guilt over a vice, or an urge to visit a friend, or an impulse to email audio prayers to almost complete strangers).  Those who have experienced this will know what I mean by harassment.  In the end, you just DO whatever it was to gain peace from the bombardment of thoughts or urges.

My life has never been as exciting or as meaningful as it is now.  I can't wait to see what happens next!

Praise be to God!

How I Respond To Friends Who Believe It Is Wrong To Pray The Rosary

Over the years, I have had one or two friends who try to tell me that it is wrong to pray the Rosary.  But the most persistent crusader :) was a university friend who believed he was trying to save me from a terrible error of judgement.  I viewed his attempts as annoying at first and then later on, I was actually quite grateful because he made me think about why I prayed the Rosary.  Obviously, in the end, I made the decision to continue reciting this prayer, based on a few considerations.

Consideration One : There have been too many witnesses (saints!) with messages from Lord Jesus and Blessed Virgin Mary to recite the Rosary.  Do your own research.  If you doubt, you need to go through the journey of discovery yourself to truly be sure.

Consideration Two : When I study the text of the prayers in the Rosary, Blessed Virgin Mary's role as intercessor is very clear.  Therefore, I feel very comfortable in praying to Her to please intercede for me with Her Son. 

Consideration Three : If I am truly in error, then people who care about me should be praying to God to reveal this error to me, right?  I believe that university mate of mine wore out his knees begging God to please 'save' me.  I also believe that God would have revealed such a gross error to me.  If it were a gross error.

Consideration Four : I have always experienced such incomparable feelings of calm and joy when I recite the Rosary.  Surely sacrilegious prayers would not make me feel that.

To my friends who think it is wrong, I thank you for your love and care.  Please pray to God to guide me :)

Is Ignorance Bliss?

A few days ago, I was sitting with a friend, sharing Revelations (New Testament) with her. At one point, she held her head in one hand and pleaded with me,"Can you please not tell me all these things? I feel better if I didn't know them... ignorance is bliss..."

But is it really?

I share what I have learned about Revelations with people because I feel guilty if I don't tell them to prepare. I will be the first to dance if nothing happens, no explosion in the cosmic skies, no tribulation, no troubles, no lake of fire... I will be the first to be happy to be proven WRONG.

But what if the prophecies in the Book of Revelations are being fulfilled right now? And what if people 'die' because they weren't prepared? What would I say if a close friend cries out to me,"WHY didn't you tell me???"

Monday, June 21, 2010

Why We Pray To Mary, Queen Of Heaven

I find it somewhat amusing when someone begins trying to convince me that praying to Blessed Mary, Mother of Jesus is wrong.  I understand that person's worry that I would 'lose my way' or 'be damned'.  But frankly speaking, how would praying to Jesus' mother get me lost or damned? By this time in my life, my response to such people will be one of the following :

a) Praying to Blessed Mary gives me a wonderful feeling of peace within, for I know She carries my prayers to Her Beloved Son.  Why should I stop doing something that calms me so much?
b) I am a follower of Jesus.  I am praying.  If you want to evangelize, go after the godless and have faith that I am saved.

LOL.  Yes, I used (a) when a beau in university tried his best to 'save' me.  And (b) was very useful with the missionaries who came Bible-carrying and hearts-on-fire knocking on my door. 
After going through a religious crisis in my university days, I am pretty much stable in my faith.  Nothing strengthens you quite like a trial by fire.  

I'm no theologian or bible preacher, so I didn't waste any time in 'defending' my practice.  The others will never listen, anyway.  When people believe they are right, it is folly to try to change their minds.

But I'd always been on the lookout for a beautiful explanation and I think I've found one done by Donna Cori Gibson.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Legal Prerequisites To Jesus' Return

Came across a website by Tim McHyde that mentioned prerequisites for Jesus' return, based on the Bible.  Haven't researched it or verified its truth but it makes for fascinating reading.

Legal Prerequisites To Jesus' Return

It is simple. There are several prerequisites given in Bible prophecy for the return of Jesus Christ and none of them are present or fulfilled yet. Without them happening, it is impossible for Jesus to come in 2010 or even in the few years following 2010. Being unaware of these prophecies, Christians are able to believe an event is possible that Scripture tells us is currently impossible.

What are these prerequisites? I can give you many examples:

-  Great Tribulation — According to Daniel 9:27 and Matthew 24:15, Jesus must return after a 3½ year Great Tribulation. During this Great Tribulation the Antichrist will rule over the world for 42 months (Rev 13). He will force everyone to take a mark in their right hand or forehead during that time. We of course are not in the Great Tribulation and no mark of the beast issued yet.

-  Abomination of Desolation — This Great Tribulation starts 30 days after the Abomination of Desolation is stood up on the Temple Mount (Mk 13:14). The abomination refers to the Image of the Beast statue being erected for worship. We have no such statue on the Temple Mount.

-  Temple Mount Sacrifices — Similarly, on the day of the Abomination, daily oblation morning and evening sacrfices are to be stopped on the Temple Mount (Dan 12:11). As of 2010, no sacrifices have even started yet that can be stopped.
-  Third Temple — Revelation 11 tells us that there will be a Third Temple on the Temple Mount at that time. The Antichrist must even sit in this end time temple and declare himself to be God (2Th 2:4). Of course, there is not even a temple under construction yet (although rumor has it that one is being prepared along with all the furnishing and a sequestered priesthood prepared to attend it).

-  Sixth Seal — Finally, we have not seen the events of the sixth seal yet. If you read Revelation 6:12-17 carefully you willsee that it depicts the entire population panicking and running for cover in response to signs in the heavens and a tremendous global earthquake on earth moving every mountain and island out of place. Most people ignore this prophecy because they simply cannot make sense of it literally with all the errors Christianity has filled their head with (pretrib rapture, imminency, etc.). That leads to the typical practice of Bible prophecy interpretation today, not accepting the plain words for what they say and taking poetic license with them.
-  Sabbath Year — When you carefully consider Daniel 9:27, Isaiah 61:1-2, and Luke 4:16-22 you will be led to the conclusion that the 70 weeks of Daniel are all sabbath year cycles. This idea is confirmed by Jesus' own mouth when he came at the end of the 69th week and declared it to be a sabbath year in the synagogue at Nazareth. This means that when he returns at the end of the 70th week, it too, again, will be a Sabbath year, just like his First Coming was in. So Jesus must return in a Sabbath year. Only one out of every seven years is a Sabbath year. But 2007 (or 2010) is not one of them according to the historical sabbath year cycle followed by Ancient Israel

You may have heard that the Rabbis of Judaism consider 2007-2008 a Sabbath year. But that conclusion is based on the traditions of the Talmud, not on the consensus of Scripture and the best historical evidence. Christians assume that the Jews are accurate on such things such as the Biblical calendar, but Judaism has diverged much from the Old Testament. (For example, Judaism celebrates Pentecost/Shavuot on a fixed date (Sivan 6) instead of a floating date arrived at by counting 50 days from the sabbath following the harvest, as Scripture has it. It should fall sometime between Sivan 6 and 12 and always on a Sunday (Lev 23:15-16). Judaism has the year start in the Fall/7th Biblical month of Tishrei instead of the Spring/1st month as the Bible has it (Ex 12:2). 

Judaism teaches that the Jubilee comes every 50th year instead of every 49th year according to Scripture (which is the 50th year using inclusive reckoning from year one of the start of the seven sabbath cycles you are to count). Their Sabbath year reckoning similarly departs from Scripture while it relies on tradition.) 

This only reminds me of my pitiful knowledge of the Bible.  My 'armour of God' has a big big hole in it.