"Get Us Out Of Here!"

I've always had the holy souls of purgatory on my mind and in my heart.

Who is praying for them?
Is there anyone who is forgotten?
Does anyone remember them?
Will anyone offer masses for them?

Someone once said that the greatest charity one can do was to offer masses for the souls in purgatory.  But so few do this nowadays.

I have been reading many books on purgatory.  One of the most fascinating is a book entitled "Get Us Out Of Here" by Nicky Eltz who wrote down the questions he asked of Maria Simma and the answers he got.

This book was given an imprimatur in its eighth printing.


Maria Simma speaks with Nicky Eltz
(Authorized by Maria Simma)

Maria Simma responds to this call
from the Poor Souls in Purgatory

2002 A.D.

with love to
ALL who have yet to feel
God's Love

"... will rise to a disciplinary curative time of punishment."

- Correct translation
from Aramaic and Greek of both
Matthew 25:46 and John 5:29

* * * * * * * * *

Love extends also to those
who have died in this love,
for love is the life of the soul
as the soul is the life of the body.

- St Thomas of Aquinas

* * * * * * * * *

Our dead are among the invisible,
not among the absent.
-Pope John XXIII

* * * * * * * * *

What is life compared to that day
whcih will have no ending for the elect,
or to that night
which will have no dawning for the damned?

- Sister M.G. from Purgatory
February 1871

* * * * * * * * *

Preface by Fr. Slavko Barbaric, OFM.......................................................................vii
Introduction by Dr Kenneth McAll.............................................................................ix

1 - Sunday in Austria................................................................................................1
2 - Maria Simma's Background................................................................................3
3 - Purgatory............................................................................................................7
4 - Simma's Experiences.........................................................................................12
5 - Prayer & Fasting...............................................................................................33
6 - Heaven.............................................................................................................41
7 - The Angels.......................................................................................................43
8 - Holy Mass.......................................................................................................47
9 - The Saints........................................................................................................59
10 - Church Teachings & The Bible........................................................................62
11 - Bishops & The Pope......................................................................................68
12 - Priests & Sisters............................................................................................77
13 - Churches.......................................................................................................86
14 - Confession....................................................................................................88
15 - The Rosary....................................................................................................92
16 - The Sacramentals...........................................................................................95
17 - Other Religions..............................................................................................96
18 - Protection & Guidance...................................................................................99
19 - Limbo...........................................................................................................108
20 - The Occult....................................................................................................111
21 - Hell & Satan.................................................................................................117
        Photographs & Map.....................................................................................131
22 - Illness...........................................................................................................135
23 - Death...........................................................................................................142
24 - Funerals & Graves........................................................................................149
25 - Marriage, Family & Children.........................................................................152
26 - WOrk & Money...........................................................................................162
27 - Marian Apparitions........................................................................................166
28 - Suffering and Reparation................................................................................172

Maria's Sufferings..................................................................................................183
Exhortations and Warnings from the Poor Souls.....................................................185
Fr. Fridolin Bischof's Testimony..............................................................................203
Author's Testimony................................................................................................205
Epilogue by Dr. James Paul Pandarakalam.............................................................213

Medugorje Testimonies & Messages about Purgatory............................................225
Further Reading on Medugorje..............................................................................227
Further Reading on Purgatory................................................................................235
Prayers for the Poor Souls....................................................................................239
Prayers to the Angels............................................................................................259
St. Bridget Prayers for 12 years............................................................................265

The Divine Substance..........................................................................................283

In Honor of Fr. Slavko Barbaric, OFM, 1946-2000:
The True and Peaceful Order...............................................................................325
Reflections on the Medugorje Message of November 25, 2000............................333



Dear reader,

What you are now holding is a most interesting book.  The world beyond is speaking. It is offering advice, asking for help and giving answers.  It exists and speaks about life -our life here on earth and of possible consequences of our behavior.  It tells us that it is not the same to be humble, loving, good, merciful, loyal and honest as it is to be proud, loveless, bad, merciless, betraying and dishonest.  At death this is not forgotten but rather remembered in total clarity.  Not only is the punishement, or better yet the cleansing, spoken about; but also the length of this cleansing and so very much more.

Then you ask yourself, is this possible?

In the Catholic church one speaks about a transitory state which for a very long time now has been referred to as Purgatory.  Despite there being different theories, this state is always taken seriously.  One needs it because one can only come before God cleansed and pure.

It is also accepted within the Catholic mystical tradition that some mystics have had similar experiences with the souls in Purgatory as does Maria Simma.  So it is not entirely unknown as a phenomenon, but in these excessively rationalized times in which there is danger of believing only that which is measurable and understandable with physical units and laws, it often becomes difficult to speak about and thus to believe.  And when one adds atheism, the complete rejection of the world beyond, to this need-to-measure-everything mentality it becomes clearer yet that we are concerned here with a higly interesting book of rich content.  When, in addition to all that, one discoveres the author's style tha tis full of lively expressions and pictures, as well as an exciting imagination in his questionng of this visionary, one has a real joy in reading it.

Although I, as a theologian, have questions about some of the answers, all personal doubts disappeared once I too had met and spsoken with Maria Simma.  She is true.  Her eyes and facial expression awaken in one a deep respect and a healthy trust.  When her own suffering is requested by th eworld beyond she, by always accepting it freely, is cleansed and thus lives in deep peace.

Maria's voice showers her guest with an indescribable yearning, as does a spring rain the sprouting meadows, and within her guest the wish immediately grows to work along with her and to help those who suffer.  After I had spoken with her I felt like a young person who had many questions and had found no answers.  Upon Maria's advice this young man started to pray and after the prayer he said, "I no longer have any plaguing questions despite my not having received any answeres.  Peace and joy are in my heart.

Dear reader!

My wish for you is that, through reading this book, you open yourself to the world beyond.  Were you then also to believe that you can help these suffering brothers and sisters, decide for it now for love, which knows no death, makes this our duty.  At the end you will certainly discover, whether you are a believer or not, that life only then becomes truly worth living when one loves and out of this love serves.

Fr. Slavko Barbaric, OFM
Parish Office, Medugorje
Bosnia and Herzegovina
July 1, 1993.



Maria Simma is a most rare and uniquely-gifted woman.  She has not wavered in her determination nor shaken in her understanding in spite of lifelong opposition.  Her lonely furrow has resulted in a harvest that can only be understood through the veil that separates us from eternity.  Her experiences have come as a gift.  She did not deliberately seek this, whereas to most of us on this path, our training needs our deliberate listening, looking and knocking by which we thereby develop.  These were the rules laid down by the Lord Jesus that we read in Matthew 7:7.

To most people today prayer, if any, is a hurried few words and then we rush on.  But to deliberately sit still and to listen, noting down the thoughts, to look, noting down the imagery, we enter the totality of the real world and begin with the advantage of knowing what the loving boss is intending for the day.  God is the maker and his instruction book is so full of love.  As we explore it in trust, we see that there is a vast world of eternity going on all around us.

Maria has been made aware of the desperate need for all the wandering suffering souls, moaning their states of unfinished business, lost opportunities and of their sins while here on earth.  They have not yet made it into Heaven and badger, visit, trespass, oppress and cause disease and illness amongst the living in a mostly vain attempt to get us praying and sacrificing for them.  Medicine and therapies can suppress symptoms, alleviate suffering, but in a vast array of our problems this area of ancestral and other control is often at the root and at the time of onset.  While this entirely different approach has been proven true, not only by the peace brought on by Maria's advice, but also by many secular as well as church counselors, it exposes most of the medical world as having used only a smoke-screen.  There is neither risk of harm nor an endless pile of bills to pay in this appraoch, so if we follow what this book says, then we will do what Maria indicates and go to Confession, to Holy Mass, to Communion and to Adoration.  There we may proxy for the wandering souls in accepting the gift of forgivenss and its resulting healing and thus accelerate their convalescent journey.

Where it concerns forgotten children the progress is quick, while among adults it is slower and may need repetitions for they are in need of far greater cleansing and atonement.  And here we should also ask the angels, who await our instructions, to step in for them.  As our own confessions are most healing when spoken out loud, so it is also when we write down our ancestors' sins to make the whole problem objective.  In this way we who suffer from this 'Possession Syndrome' can dissociate from those who pressure us.  As to who may conduct this search, rules to its handling or the time and place, the Lord did not advise on these points.  All He said was,"Do this in remembrance of Me."  The operative word is remembrance - a renewal or re assembly - re-assembly of me.

With great devotion and as a labor of love, this author has worked for the benefit of all mankind by bringing to us this dialogue with Maria Simma.  It opens for us endless opportunities to bring healing and it is this for which we praise and thank Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Dr. Kenneth McAll
Consultant Psychiatrist
Healing the Family Tree Ministry
Brook Lyndhurst
Hampshire, England
July 10, 1993



Descending westward out of the Arlberg Tunnel I am soon on another Autobahn; this one heading toward Feldkirch in the western-most Austrian Province of Vorarlberg.  Was my destination beyond it, I would very soon cross the border into either Switzerland or the Principality of Lieschtenstein, but finding an exit sign directing me to the Grosseswalser Valley, I turn off just beyond BLudenz and head north on smaller country roads.

Soon I am winding my way up a steep and narrow serpentine road along the northwest side of a magnificent alpine valley.  Twisting and turning its way through fir trees, the road often has iron avalanche barriers just above it.  At every major turn or incline, covered boxes containing 'splitt', a mix of sand and salt, also remind me of the severe winters that the farmers at these altitudes must endure.  Being early spring, the snow has now melted, but still evident is the recent erosion from the masses of water that have run off these mountains in the past several weeks.

Each village I pass through has a church at its centre; either with a very tall straight-sided spire or with a a plump rust-red onion-shaped spire.  On both sides of the valley, tan cows, a few wearing large bells, hug the slopes and nibble the young grass.  Higher and higher I go, deeper still into the mountains.   (City folks occasionally tell the story that the locals up here cannot travel down to the flat valley for they all have one leg considerably longer than the other.)  Along the edge of the road the last few white or purple crocuses look tired, having pushed their way trhough the dead twigs.  Way up in the distance one sees smooth, lichen-green meadows crowned by a chain of limestone and granite peaks, snow still lying in their shaded crevasses.  Higher and higher I go, enjoying the well-designed roads of the Austrian engineers.

Children carrying cowhide backpacks and looking all related with their apple-red cheeks walk home from school in small groups.  Up ahead is another village.  The sign reads: Sonntag.

This is 'Sunday', Austria.  Here I take a neck-breaking left turn up to the church.  This last road is so steep it now requires first gear and, although no sign advises right-of-way, meeting another vehicle here would be adventurous.  The road swings around the cemetery walls and up ahead, pushed into the slope, sits a small comfortable chalet-type house.

This is home for Maria Simma.

Ringing the doorbell, I soon hear the sandy but warm and friendly voice calling,"Ja, kommen Sie nur 'rauf."  (Yes, just come on up.)  I climb a steep staircase up onto a porch that is now at eye level with the steeple of the church. 

Maria is small and stout.  She wears a tight colorful kerchief, and behind glasses the crystal clarity and depth of her blue eyes tell instantly that she has seen much in her eighty-three years.

May God Assist Me In All I Do.
To Be Continued -felicerose- 14 May 2012

This book is available for purchase at :

- Medjugorje.org http://www.medjugorje.org/ccart/books/the-church/-get-us-out-of-here-/prod_286.html

- WalkingWord LLC http://www.sossaveoursouls.com/apps/webstore/products/show/2716169

- Catholic Free Shipping http://www.catholicfreeshipping.com/Products/cfs_getusoutofhe.html

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