Friday, August 20, 2010

Walking The Christian Road Is Not Easy

As I travel further down the road of discovery, I find myself facing more and more challenges.

One of the most difficult is when I see or hear of a dear friend doing wrong.  Especially when it is wrong in the eyes of our Lord Jesus but right in the eyes of this world.  One example is the listening to music with profane lyrics or carnal word images.  Just pick out any of the songs on the Top 10 charts ... the chances are high that there will be lyrics that paint salacious pictures or proclaim four-letter words to catchy rhythms.

Most of my life, I have taken the safe option and walked the middle road.  I have kept silent because I have not wanted to offend people or be seen as 'narrow-minded'.  But the more I read, the more I realise that this is not an issue of being 'narrow-minded'.  Some may even use words like 'stuffy', 'straight-laced', 'square' and 'prejudiced'.  However, the issue is one of being in line with what our Lord has wanted us to do all along.  Well, whoever said being Christian will win us popularity contests?

Now I find it increasingly difficult to hold my tongue.  How can I keep quiet when I know the price my friends will pay in the end?  And I will pay a higher price for keeping quiet.  I can share with them about this and if they do not listen, that is up to them.  I've done my part.  Yes, I will risk being laughed at, either openly or behind my back.  BUT HOW CAN I KEEP SILENT?

Would you keep silent if you see a cobra in a room and you know your friend is about to walk into that room??

I know what has happened to us.  Poor pitiful us.  Our world and its environment has blinded, deafened and desensitized us to terrible things such as profanity, naked images, lewd gestures.  We have reached a point where such things merely elicit a raised eyebrow or just apathetic comments.  Some may think to display acceptance of such things is cool and gain admiration from friends. Even worse, a few even feel it marvelous to spew four-letter words or have pornography collections.

If I were the devil, I would congratulate myself on a job well done.  It may have taken a few centuries but I have managed to change society from a God-fearing one to a demon-loving one.  This current generation is simply perfect in their lasciviousness, their love of sensuality and their encouragement to each other in their drinking (let's see who can drink the most and still drive home!)  their sensuality (let's see who can dress the most outrageous and affect the most men!) and their lusts (let's see who can sleep with the most men or women!).  Some even find it 'normal' to have sex in public places such as nightclubs or during parties in houses.


In the beginning, I scolded myself for being so 'puritanical'.  Then I realised that I had fallen into the clever trap of the devil's deceivers.  Aren't they the best at verbal sleights-of-hand?  Aren't they the best at gentle and subtle manipulation?  Haven't they come up with words like 'ethnic cleansing' for genocide and 'crimes of passion' for murder?  As if the words excuse the deed.

No wonder that it has been said that there is a spiritual slaughter going on right now.  Millions of souls being 'killed' because of what they see, hear, think, say and do.

How can I keep silent??

Friday, August 6, 2010

To Know God Is To Love Him More

From previous posts about my journey, I have mentioned that my 'armour' has a big hole in it.  So I have been trying to patch it up by reading more about God, His Word, His messages, His people.....

So far, this is what I have learned.

One, from my own experience as well as others' testimonies, the Word of God (the text in the Bible) carries unbelievable power.  Knowledge of scripture helps to reveal lies and tricks. In the beginning, I thought it would be 'faster' to read other learned people's analysis or interpretation of scripture.  But then I quickly discovered that I had to also read the scripture myself so I could think about the other person's interpretation and decide for myself (with the aid of prayer) whether or not to believe.  An obvious example is the many interpretations of what the book of Revelation says.  It is mind-blowing to find how way out some interpretations are.  Those who do not do due diligence will definitely be misled.

Two, prayer is very very very important.  Years ago, I used to pray and feel nothing.  I'd been praying on automatic for so long that it had become something I did out of duty.  But I knew it wasn't something good.  I wanted to feel a strong passion for God.  It was so frustrating not to. So  I did all sorts of things to get that elusive feeling.  Out of despair one day, I prayed to God to GIVE me the passion.  And unbelievably, it happened.  I didn't attend a special seminar.  No one charismatic and powerful spoke to me.  The passion just came.

Three, I found that I didn't really have to do anything.  God just moved people to cross my path (when I needed them) and arranged books on bookshelves (when I visited bookshops) and even harassed me with incessant feelings (whether it was guilt over a vice, or an urge to visit a friend, or an impulse to email audio prayers to almost complete strangers).  Those who have experienced this will know what I mean by harassment.  In the end, you just DO whatever it was to gain peace from the bombardment of thoughts or urges.

My life has never been as exciting or as meaningful as it is now.  I can't wait to see what happens next!

Praise be to God!

How I Respond To Friends Who Believe It Is Wrong To Pray The Rosary

Over the years, I have had one or two friends who try to tell me that it is wrong to pray the Rosary.  But the most persistent crusader :) was a university friend who believed he was trying to save me from a terrible error of judgement.  I viewed his attempts as annoying at first and then later on, I was actually quite grateful because he made me think about why I prayed the Rosary.  Obviously, in the end, I made the decision to continue reciting this prayer, based on a few considerations.

Consideration One : There have been too many witnesses (saints!) with messages from Lord Jesus and Blessed Virgin Mary to recite the Rosary.  Do your own research.  If you doubt, you need to go through the journey of discovery yourself to truly be sure.

Consideration Two : When I study the text of the prayers in the Rosary, Blessed Virgin Mary's role as intercessor is very clear.  Therefore, I feel very comfortable in praying to Her to please intercede for me with Her Son. 

Consideration Three : If I am truly in error, then people who care about me should be praying to God to reveal this error to me, right?  I believe that university mate of mine wore out his knees begging God to please 'save' me.  I also believe that God would have revealed such a gross error to me.  If it were a gross error.

Consideration Four : I have always experienced such incomparable feelings of calm and joy when I recite the Rosary.  Surely sacrilegious prayers would not make me feel that.

To my friends who think it is wrong, I thank you for your love and care.  Please pray to God to guide me :)

Is Ignorance Bliss?

A few days ago, I was sitting with a friend, sharing Revelations (New Testament) with her. At one point, she held her head in one hand and pleaded with me,"Can you please not tell me all these things? I feel better if I didn't know them... ignorance is bliss..."

But is it really?

I share what I have learned about Revelations with people because I feel guilty if I don't tell them to prepare. I will be the first to dance if nothing happens, no explosion in the cosmic skies, no tribulation, no troubles, no lake of fire... I will be the first to be happy to be proven WRONG.

But what if the prophecies in the Book of Revelations are being fulfilled right now? And what if people 'die' because they weren't prepared? What would I say if a close friend cries out to me,"WHY didn't you tell me???"