1. What is an indulgence?
"An indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven, which the faithful Christian who is duly disposed gains under certain prescribed conditions through the action of the Church, which, as the minister of redemption, dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of the satisfaction of Christ and the saints."
2. What is a plenary indulgence?
An indulgence is plenary if it removes all the temporal punishment due to sin.
3. What is a partial indulgence?
An indulgence is partial if it removes part of the temporal punishment due to sin.
4. To whom may an indulgence be applied?
It may be applied by the faithful for themselves or for the dead.
5. What is the basis of indulgence?
Sin has a double consequence – eternal punishment (due to grave sin) and temporal punishment. The forgiveness of sin and restoration of communion with God entail the remission of eternal punishment, but temporal punishment remains. Indulgence removes all (plenary) or part of (partial) temporal punishment.
6.1. During the Eucharistic Year (October 2004 – October 2005), indulgences may be obtained "each time the faithful participate attentively and piously in a sacred function or a devotional exercise undertaken in honor of the Blessed Sacrament, solemnly exposed or conserved in the tabernacle."
6.2. Remaining in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at least half an hour.
6.3. Participation in the Adoration of the Cross on Good Friday.
6.4. Spiritual exercises of at least three (3) days.
6.5. Making first Communion or assisting at another’s first Communion.
6.6. Praying at least five decades of the rosary in a church or chapel, or with family, religious community or a pious association. The conditions are: the five decades must be prayed without interruption; meditation on the mysteries must be added to the vocal recitation, in public recitation, the mysteries must be announced according to approved local customs.
6.7. Celebrating or assisting at a priest’s first solemn Mass, or at his 25th, 50th, or 60th
anniversary Mass. The priest should also renew before God his proposal to faithfully fulfill the obligations of his vocation.
6.8. Visiting a church or altar on the day of its dedication, and praying an Our Father and a Creed.
6.9. Renewing one’s baptismal promises during the Easter Vigil or on the anniversary of one’s baptism.
6.10. Reading Sacred Scripture as spiritual reading with the devotion due to God’s Word for at least a half-hour.
6.11. Making the pious exercise of the Way of the Cross. This must be done at legitimately erected stations, which require fourteen (14) crosses to which other images or statues may be added.
The Way of the Cross usually consists of 14 sacred readings, to which some vocal prayers may be added.
However, to fulfill the pious exercise, it is enough to meditate on the Lord’s passion and death, with no need to make a particular consideration regarding each individual station. Thus, one may also meditate on episodes of the Passion that differ from the traditional 14 stations
However, to fulfill the pious exercise, it is enough to meditate on the Lord’s passion and death, with no need to make a particular consideration regarding each individual station. Thus, one may also meditate on episodes of the Passion that differ from the traditional 14 stations
It is also necessary to move from one station to the next, although, if during a public celebration the whole group cannot easily move, it is sufficient that the person who guides the stations move from one station to the next.
If someone is legitimately impeded from doing those stations, he or she may obtain the same indulgence through pious reading and meditation on the Lord’s passion and death for about 15 minutes or so.
6.12. Devoutly receiving a papal blessing, including those imparted "Urbe et Orbi" (To the City of Rome and the World), such as is customary at Easter and Christmas, and received through live transmission by radio, television or internet.
The local bishop may also impart the apostolic blessing three times a year on dates of their choosing, at the end of a specially solemn Mass.
6.13. Each Friday of Lent, a plenary indulgence is granted to those who piously recite the prayer "Look down upon Me, Good and Gentle Jesus" after Communion, before an image of Christ crucified. This prayer is among those offered in the missal for thanksgiving after Communion.
6.14. To the faithful in danger of death, who cannot be assisted by a priest to bring them the sacraments and impart the Apostolic Blessing with its plenary indulgence, Holy Mother Church, nevertheless, grants a plenary indulgence to be acquired at the point of death, provided they are properly disposed and have been in the habit of reciting some prayers during their lifetime. The use of a crucifix or a cross to gain this indulgence is praiseworthy.
6.15. Apart from the plenary indulgences, Catholics do well to be aware that most of their habitual prayers, sacrifices, and habitual service to others, from the sign of the cross to the Hail Mary, are endowed with partial indulgences which increase their weight before God and give them an opportunity to exercise selfless charity in offering their prayers in benefit of the souls in purgatory.
7.1. Sacramental confession, usually within a week before or after obtaining the Indulgence. One sacramental confession is sufficient for several indulgences.
7.2. Eucharistic Communion. Unlike confession, only one indulgence may be obtained for each Communion. Although this Communion may be fulfilled several days before or after obtaining the indulgence, it is preferable that this condition be fulfilled the same day. Thus, those who practice regular confession and daily Mass may obtain a plenary indulgence practically every day.
7.3. Prayer in keeping with the intention of the Supreme Pontiff. Like Communion. Prayer for the Pope’s intentions must be recited for the gaining of each plenary indulgence. Although there are not prescribed prayers, the condition is satisfied by reciting one Our Father and one Hail Mary.
7.4. Having the soul completely removed from attachment to any form of sin. This is the most difficult condition as even attachment to venial sin precludes the possibility of obtaining the indulgence. However, note that the condition is not freedom from all venial sin, but from attachment to sin, that is, that there is no sin which the soul is unwilling to renounce.
When one earns plenary indulgences, one may have the intention to apply it to a dear departed or to any soul who needs it most. This is like practicing the "heroic act", wherein the person who has earned the plenary indulgence has opted to give the merits earned to a soul in purgatory. This indeed is a great act of love.