Do you feel like your life is spiralling out of control? And the meds aren't helping?
Do you feel unexplained aches and pains? And the doctors can't figure out what's wrong with you?
Do you suffer feelings of worthlessness and depression? And you just don't know why because you have a great job, fantastic friends and a marvellous family?
Do you hear voices that tell you to kill yourself? For whatever reason? And nothing's wrong with your hearing?
Then perhaps you should stop taking the pills, stop seeing the doctors and stop sitting in a dark room, and STOP feeling panicky because you just don't know what is wrong.
Say the Fifteen Prayers of St Bridget (see tab above) and don't stop even if things seem to be get worse. They WILL get worse for a day or two before they get better. And the darkness lifts from your life.
Take it from one who let the darkness stay for ten years. That was too big a chunk of my life to lose.