The Front Side - St. Benedict is shown at the center of the medal. In his right hand he holds a cross. The cross represents the saving power of Christ and the work of evangelization by the Benedictines over the centuries. In his left hand is a book containing the Holy Rule of his order. To his right is a broken cup. This cup was said to be poisoned by monks who did not like it when he became Abbot of their monastery. The cup was shattered when St. Benedict made a sign of the cross over it, and his life was saved. To his left is a raven. The raven carried away a poisoned loaf of bread the monks tried to give St. Benedict.
Above his head are the words: Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti (Cross of the Holy Father Benedict). Around the edge are the words: Ejus in obitu nostro praesentia muniamus. (May we at our death be fortified by his presence).
Below his feet are the letters: EX SM CASINO MDCCCLXX (From holy Monte Cassino, 1880).
This medal was created in Monte Cassino, Italy, in 1880 to celebrate the 1400th anniversary of Saint Benedict's birth. The occasion of this celebration is why the medal is called the "Jubilee" medal.

In the four corners are circles with the letters CSPB. These letters are the initials for Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti (The Cross of our holy father Benedict).
At the top is the word Pax (peace). Around the edge are the initials for the exorcism prayer: Vade Retro Satana, Nunquam Suade Mihi Vana - Sunt Mala Quae Libas, Ipse Venena Bibas (Begone, Satan, do not suggest to me thy vanities - evil are the things thou profferest, drink thou thy own poison).
The Jubilee Medal itself has no power at all. Wearers must be careful not to fall into acts of superstition. The Jubilee Medal is simply a visible sign of the inner devotion and belief the wearer has to Jesus and his servant, St. Benedict. We ask for God's blessing and protection through the intercession of St. Benedict.
The Jubilee medal includes an unconditional indulgence to anyone at the time of death who will "wear, kiss or hold the Medal between the hands with veneration". The indulgence is given if the person commends his or her soul to God and makes a good confession or receive Holy Communion. If the person cannot do this, he or she can "invoke the Holy Name of Jesus with feelings of contrition, (or with the heart if one cannot speak)".
In addition to the unconditional indulgence, a partial indulgence is given to anyone who will "wear, kiss or hold the Medal between the hands with veneration". Over the years, many miracles have been reported by those wearing the medal. The medal has also been attributed to great blessings. Some of those blessings include:
1. Warding off temptation
2. Obtaining the conversion of sinners, especially before death
3. Easing of pain for women during labor
4. Help in preserving purity
5. Granting the grace of a happy death
6. Protection during storms
7. Interceding for curing disease