My sister is attending a course that may decide her future... but it all depends on her performance in four assessments. Truth be told, she didn't fare very well in her interview. Especially in the part where she was supposed to show how she'd sell certain products. I found this very perplexing as my sister has the so-called gift of the gab. She can talk and talk and talk. Plus she'd sold software for an ICT company and also homes for a property developer. It didn't make sense that she couldn't even do a demo on selling a product. Interview nervousness? Perhaps.
Anyway, I asked my mum to tell me the times of her assessments. The first one was yesterday (Friday). During the time of her assessment, I was in a car and did one cycle of the Chaplet. Well, at least that was what I planned to do. I planned to do a cycle as I picked my little niece up from playschool and brought her home. The process was supposed to take only about 15 minutes. However, traffic was extra bad and instead of 15 minutes, it took me more than an hour. Somehow or other, I ended up doing uncounted cycles in the space of an hour plus.
Later when I called to check on her, I heard that she did so well, she was held up as an example to the others. She told me that she felt light and confident. Unlike her experience during the interview. By right, if she truly had a problem with nerves, she would've performed worse in front of an audience than in front of a single interviewer.
I firmly believe that the chaplet helped in keeping her mind clear and her delivery focused. She's got three more assessments to get through. So I will be doing the chaplet again.
Some may scoff and shake their heads... but please don't do it in front of me. For I will pity your lack of faith in God. Well, who knows... if I pity you enough, I'll add you to my list of people to pray for. LOL. That can be scary.
Let me explain why I use the word 'scary'.
Previously I mentioned a friend who had a problem with a jealous colleague. Well, let me tell you the ending to that story. Over months, that colleague tried to undermine the bosses' belief in her integrity and performance in the office. She actually fell ill under all the stress and tension. She suspected him of being the one behind a poison letter that led to an investigation of her office. All the while, another friend had been counselling her to 'radiate loving kindness.' In the beginning, she would just shake her head and say,"I can't. I just can't." But towards the end, she just caved in under all the pain and just offered all her sufferings up to God. Let it be. Thy will be done. AND she began praying the Divine Mercy chaplet for that colleague. I was so happy that she had made the journey from anger to forgiveness.
And you know what? The man fell sick. The day she began praying for him, he fell ill and took three days off.
Well, she was only human, so she doubled her prayers for him. LOL.
After that, things turned around for her in the office. The people who supported this man began deserting him. The investigation turned up many great things that made her star shine even more, while it made him and his cronies look execrably bad. He was so busy plotting that he neglected to do his job properly. Stupid man. Didn't he realise that a poison pen letter would spark off an investigation? Now he just sits in the office, more alone than ever and gives her perplexed looks.
What I found interesting was that in the beginning, when he was using magic and she responded with prayers, he was informed by his witch doctor that her witch doctor was really powerful. That was when he stepped up the hostilities. HOWEVER, the only 'witch doctor' she had was God.
How did she know all this, you may ask? Well, when rats abandon a sinking ship, they open their mouths really wide.
What I learned from her sharing is that when we call upon God to help us, He responds. Otherwise what 'presence' was that, that the witch doctor detected??
The further I go on this journey, the more evidence I uncover about how much God loves us and wants to protect us. So when I come upon a person who questions the existence of God, I really feel sad at the lack of glory in his or her life.
E, S, Z : As I type this, my chest is hurting.
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