Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Catholic Mystics? Or Just Catholic?

I keep reading about Catholic mystics....

And today, a bit of whimsy came to my mind.  Could it be that there are no such thing as Catholic mystics...?  Could it be that when a Catholic reaches a certain level of connection with God, he becomes a mystic?

Almost all the people I am connecting with whose faith are being revived in a truly life-changing way are experiencing varying types of 'mysticism'.  Could it be that when we connect with God, we tap into the spiritual world? Or perhaps when we become aware of the 'other' world waiting for us, we become aware of other things as well.

And how would that explain those who are mystic from birth?  Well, perhaps they are soldiers with a job to do.  Which may be why the devil tries so hard to subvert them even from before the time they were born. Sadly he seems to succeed a lot.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Amazingness of Grace

Part of my journey as a Catholic has been to learn to open my eyes to Jesus in every person in my life.

In the beginning, I was not so 'enlightened'.  I had friends who had issues and yet each one said or did little things to help me in my spiritual journey.  One had the habit of tagging me in every Jesus or Mary picture that popped up on the net, even as he posted barbs about people in his office.  But the beautiful pictures had a way of touching my heart.  Another liked to encourage me to pare my life down, to stop being so materialistic... and yet she also liked to gossip about so-and-so who did this and that.  And yet another would pop into my life and pass me books & CDs, while others would whisper snippets of his scandalous private life.

Believe it or not, I wondered if the 'good' things they did would be tainted by the 'bad' things they indulged in.  I struggled with this for a long time.

Then I kept coming across stories or references to saints, among whom were harlots, tax collectors, even murderers.  How could gossiping be compared with murder?  And yet these people 'bore fruit' in ways that reverberated through the centuries.

Fruit such as the Gospels.  Wasn't St Paul once Saul, the persecuter of Christians?  He must've killed thousands of Christians.  Yet he went on to become St Paul, 'Apostle to the Gentiles'.  He was perhaps the most influential of all the apostles, spreading Christianity throughout varied lands, such as Cyprus, Asia Minor (modern Turkey), mainland Greece, Crete and Rome.  Paul's works contain the first written account of what it means to be a Christian and thus, the Christian spirituality.

And who could forget the song 'Amazing Grace'.  This song has touched so many people's hearts and I dare say that it has also helped to open many many hearts to God.  Yet John Newton spent many years, working as captain of a slaver ship.  He must have destroyed many lives.  But he repented and became a pastor.  And composed many hymns, among which was Amazing Grace.

One could say that these people became good after repenting their 'bad'.  But did they become perfect after that?  I don't think so.  Whatever it may be, I shall not be judge of my brothers and sisters.  And I shall remember that God always chooses the lowest of the low and the weakest of the weak to carry out His work. 

Reading The Lives Of The Saints

In the beginning, when I began seriously exploring the world of my faith, I kept coming across exhortations to read the lives of the saints.

At first, I was not very keen.  I did not relish the thought of reading someone's potted history or biography.  I had this idea that reading about a saint with high ideals and stratospheric levels of morality would dishearten my puny heart and pathetic efforts at getting myself out of the 'not hot, not cold' category.

Incidentally, I began having panic-stricken episodes of guilt when I found out that what hurt Jesus the most was the Christians who were lukewarm.  They had received His revelations and yet weren't doing much about it.  I knew very well that I was one of them.  But I couldn't understand why lukewarm Christians hurt Jesus so.  I wasn't hurting anybody and I wasn't on the side of the devil.  How could sitting on the fence hurt anybody?

Of course, the answer was simple.  I had received knowledge of Christ and yet sat tight on my little tuffet keeping my eyes off the spiritual mayhem going on around me.  Better if I had been born an ignorant uneducated savage living on twigs and leaves.

I reluctantly went online and began googling saints.  Incidentally many of the histories online are abbreviated (and sanitised!) ones.  I had to purchase books or download pdf's off Catholic sites like St Patrick's Basilica or forums such as to reall get to the meaty stuff.

Suddenly I found myself in a world of bilocation (being in two or more places at the same time), teleportation, mind-reading, telekinesis, angels, demons, mysteries and more stuff than even the world of fiction could contain!  I felt like hitting myself in the head... what took me so long??

And of course, once you get into Jesus' world, you're hooked for life.  Hang on to your ship for dear life because you're no longer at the wheel... Jesus is!  Praise GOD!

Monday, August 6, 2012

A Cure For Skin Troubles?

As I travel down the rocky path of spiritual improvement, I come across many puzzling things.

One of them is the curing of skin troubles.  In my case, it was athlete's foot.  I begun suffering from athlete's foot when I was fifteen years of age.  I have no idea how I got it but perhaps it was from the public swimming pool shower cubicles.  That was the year I began going for weekly swimming lessons.

Well, whatever the case may be, I had been struggling for many years with the problem.  If you have never had this problem, you would not understand how bad and how overwhelming the problem can be.  Sometimes the entire sole of my foot would be peeling and raw.  I actually reached the point where a bloody sock would not throw me.  I had to wear shoes that covered my foot and toes.  Sandals, especially those encrusted with crystals and stones, were just a dream that others could have but never me.  My parents dragged me from specialist to specialist.  I was on intimate terms with many types of steroids, such as Betnovate.  At one point, the doctor told me that I couldn't keep on using the steroids as they had an effect on my skin and collagen.  

Fast forward a few decades to 2009.  When I began doing my daily prayers, especially the Fifteen Prayers of St Bridget, the first thing I noticed were the 'aggressive' reactions around me.  I daren't put it down on this blog for fear others would think me crazy.  In my preoccupation with learning to handle the 'obvious' challenges, I didn't realise at first that I no longer had to to tend to my feet.  At that time, one of my most important monthly purchase was of 'Renew' a plantolin-based cream marketed by Cosway.  This cream kept my athlete's foot problem in control.  One day, my stockist asked me why I'd stopped buying.  That was when I realised my problem had cleared up.  After DECADES of pain and difficulties.  I was puzzled but too grateful to think more on it.

Then a colleague who I had been guiding in the Catholic religion shared something with me.  She too struggled with skin trouble on both hands and feet.  I too had the trouble on my palms and fingers but that had resolved itself years ago.  Her problems were so bad that sometimes she couldn't walk.  But her solution was to go up to the mountain to meet her uncle who would use questionable pagan methods to heal her.  I had told her that a Christian could not have other gods and she had cut down on visits to her uncle.  She too was using Renew and in 2010, she stopped asking me to buy the cream for her.  When I asked her, she told me that when she was baptised during Easter Vigil Mass 2010, she felt a wrenching out of her chest.  She suspected it had to do with her previous pagan practices and did not talk about it as she was too embarrassed. But within a week, her feet healed so perfectly that she was able to show off her pretty feet in sandals.

Some may say this is a coincidence.  But since I have stopped believing in coincidences, what else could it be? 

All I can say is, God is truly great.