Monday, February 21, 2011

Pray, Pray, Pray!

After reading Dr Kelly Bowring's book (Secrets, Chastisement and Triumph of the Two Hearts) and countless other articles, I see so clearly that prayer is a very powerful means to salvation. 

Not only my own salvation but also that of my brothers and sisters.. my neighbours, my friends, my enemies...!

We are being called back to a life of prayer... but how many will respond to this call?

I remember feeling heavy-hearted about praying... I had so many excuses... I was sleepy, tired, sick, exhausted etcetera etcetera.  But knowing the importance of praying and feeling desperate about not being able to pray, I pleaded with God for the strength and grace to pray.  Amazingly, my pleading was answered.

Now, I wonder why I am so amazed.  I wonder if perhaps I no longer had faith in God's responding to my prayer. 

But now I know.  God DOES answer prayers.  But I had to learn how to pray properly.  I had to have the right state of mind and the right sort of request.  I didn't bother to ask for riches, rank or other material things.  I asked for graces, strength and faith.  I asked for protection and mercy.  Not only for myself but for others.  I asked for the clearing of clouded minds, the righting of confused minds and the brightening of darkened hearts.

And now I cannot NOT pray.  Not when I can hear the clock ticking the moments away and the sand in the hourglass sifting away.

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