Monday, June 14, 2010


Yesterday, I sat in church and listened to Fr Cosmas Lee talk about forgiveness.  He said being unforgiving is one of the most destructive things in a person's life.  But why is it so difficult for us to forgive each other?  And how lucky we are that God forgives us every time?

This is something I have struggled with for too many years.  It is a painful thing to want to forgive but deep inside is a hard little rock that says no.  I tried and tried but just couldn't.  Then last year, when I began reciting the prayers, that hard little rock loosened and one day, I realised it was gone.  Again, proof to me that what I couldn't do, God could easily do for me.


  1. Yes, that is so true. Today Father Micheal spoke about forgiveness too and it makes me think how hard it is for us to forgive. But God always forgives!!!!!

  2. Betul Lyn. Only God can make it easy for us. Forgiveness is the greatest healing.
